Keybind guide (WIP)
There's no one optimal setup for keybinds since what's comfortable differs from player to player, so finding binds that work for you will take some experimentation. Take the following advice with a grain of salt, these are not absolutes. The best binds are ones that feel good for you.
Minimum recommended changes:โ
Grenade / Ordinance: Holding Q while switching strafe directions or pressing forward is usually very uncomfortable to hold. Common options for grenade binds are mouse side buttons, middle mouse button, a key reachable on your left thumb like space. This is an important bind to be comfortable with, since movement while holding grenades is important for many strats throughout the run.
Use hold crouch instead of toggle: Without hold crouch, basic slide hopping requires re-toggling crouch after every hop since the jump uncrouches you automatically. Technically doable, but much more tedious over thousands of slide hops throughout the game.
TODO: Viddy demonstrating toggle crouch slide hopping behaviour
Movement keysโ
Optimizing for Crouch techโ
Performing crouch tech becomes much easier when you make some accommodations in your binds. The default binds of Ctrl - Crouch
and Space - Jump
and leave a lot of room for error since the inputs are on seperate fingers and very far apart from one another.
There's two main ways to make crouch tech easier for yourself in terms of binds:
- Make crouch and jump inputs pressable on one finger
- Use two fingers for buttons that are close to each other
Example Binds:
Spacebar - Jump
+B/C/V - Crouch
LMB - Crouch/Jump
+RMB - Jump/Crouch
(This one obviously takes some getting used to, if you use this you'll have to find some decent keybinds for Fire + ADS)
side note: With many keybind setups, you might find that you want 2 separate crouch binds, one for crouch tech and another for slide hopping.
Optimizing for lurchless techโ
This typically isn't an issue, since most players will choose to stick with WASD, but if you stray from that setup it's important that you are able to comfortably press both of your strafe buttons at once in order to do lurchless tech, which gets used near constantly throughout the run.
Keybinds for menuingโ
Menuing is typically not a huge time loss, but you may want to consider rebinding the key for Select Titan Loadout
, as quick titan menuing can be important for some titan fight strats.