๐ญ Abyss 1
Abyss 1 has both a basic titan route and a more difficult titanless out-of-bounds route.
Titan routeโ
Basic routeโ
The classic titan movement from the start of the level to right before we perform wallboost.
Wall boostโ
Disembark Wall boostโ
Variant of wallboost that is easier and less risky, but slightly slower. It saves around 6 seconds over walking normally.
Variant of wallboost that involves not disembarking. It saves about 9 seconds over walking normally, but it's much more risky.
Nobody really uses Vibecheck+ afaik because once you are good enough to do Vibecheck+ you can just do the oob route. Nonetheless, if you want to learn Vibecheck+ you'll have to ask people in the TF2SR discord as I don't know how to do it. -mats
Door clearโ
Door clear is a section where we have to kill 3 enemy titans quickly to progress.
Basic pilot movement from the titan fight to the end of the level.
Titanless Out-of-bounds (Sandwich)โ
Note to editors
- titanless route is part of sandwich because brute isn't picked up
- menuing in EnC1 or b1
- different ash skip in Abyss 3 -mats
As soon as you load in, hold forward and right as well as pull a frag and start to wallrun on the pipe to the right
Be sure to only jump to wallrun once you're already touching the pipe, otherwise you will go too high on the pipe and bonk your head when jumping off of the pipe). After about a second of wallrunning, jump off and look straight down. when the frag starts to beep, throw the frag.
Pull a frag and slide forward as soon as you load into the level. wallkick off the pipe and look straight down and wait for the grenade to beep, then throw it.
Double jump across the room and land on the rock on the left side of the room, then jump up to get onto the rock on the right side near the opening to the next cave.
As soon as you enter the next cave, strafe left to wallkick/crouchkick/wallbump/land on the left wall. Strafe to land on the metal platform extruding from the entrance to the upcoming hallway
In this hallway, you can optionally kick off of the right and forward walls to build up some extra speed.
Double jump to smoothly make it into the fall down into the next hallway without bumping along any of the walls or the floor.
Another optional kick off of the left side of the bottom wall near the opening on the right
For this next part, its important to have at least 60 kph, as otherwise you can get hit by the moving platform, which will quickly mess up your velocity.
[nex video is only a placeholder for the modular tutorial that's wip -mats]